maximum people think that if they do not take breakfast, they will be more able to lose body fat. But it causes to

    six packProper sleep : Deep sleep is helpful in decreasing stress. A recent study exhibits that who slept 8.5 hours regularly are able to lose more body fat. Appetite control hormone are affected by the sleep.
    Protein in breakfast : maximum people think that if they do not take breakfast, they will be more able to lose body fat. But it causes to fail metabolism.Try eating lean protein in the morning such as-egg white omelet, greek yogurt with flax seed, leftover salmon with whole-grain toast. Because it increase resting metabolism as much as 10% for the rest of the day.
    Drink water : If you are sweating a lot during exercise for get six pack, you will need to replace your salts as well as fluids. So, you should drink too much water. You can also take sports drink and potassium rich fruits.
    Ignore Processed food : processed foods are lack of nutritional value than natural foods. Some processed food also contain high amount of fat like-processed cheese. Harmful preservatives which are used in processed food can disappear your six pack.
    Lower amount of meals at night :
    After the day having huge amount of meals tend to get stored fat in your body. So, eating ice-cream, pizza, burger etc should be ignored.
    Keep metabolism constant : consuming six meals a day instead of three will help you lose weight. Bread, pasta, rice, high sugar containing food and high fat consumption can slow down your metabolism rate. So, avoid these foods to keep your metabolism constant. And take food in some hours interval.
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